Sunday, December 12, 2010

*Breath Sarah! BREATH!*

Note: I wrote a blog from my phone the other day, and it said on my phone that it sent, isnt showing up, if it finally shows up...the context is prior to this blog. Kthxbye.

Sooo,  trying to not let things get to me so easily. BUT it's really REALLY hard when I only get scheduled for 18 hours to work and I have to make 400 dollars by the end of the month. *Breath Sarah, BREATH*
Im not going to say that everyone else got their normal hours, SURE looked like it. I was not worried about not having enough money for rent and my car insurance at all because I have been getting 35-40 hours ever week, and now, when i need it most, I get 18. Like...i couldn't even get 2 extra hours to make it 20? I dunno. UGGG
I know my Boss is doing her best with what she has, and all the stress she is under, and i understand that, really, i do. But to cut me from 40 hours, to 18, like REALLY?!?! school isn't even out yet! i would better understand it if it happened the week before Christmas, but school is still in this next week.

I guess I'm just going to have to find a way to make some money. I am already selling some items on eBay, like old textbooks and stuff, but thats not going to bring in more than 50-60 bucks.
I am having a hard time believing God will get me through this...But, I can't keep doubting. Have to keep me head up. (it's so hard sometimes though)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hope everyone is having a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! I know I am! I know I complain a lot but I am truely thankful for all my family, friends, and even my not so very friends. Because I wouldn't be the blossoming woman I am without them and the experiences they have given me. This year was quite different from all the rest. Its the first year that I had to choose what to do. Since my dad and step mom came home last weekend they were not here for me to spend the time with. So, I took a chance and decided to spend the time with my little sister and mom. Since I don't always get along with my mom I was cautious about spending so much time with her, but so far so good. We traveled to Sicily Island, LA to visit my stepfather's family whom I haven't seen in a good 3 or 4 years. We ate lots of food as normal and watched the New England Patriots kick Detroits butt! (yes, I'm a patriots fan, get over it!) Now we are making the trek back to Marshall and hopefully we will be getting up early to go shopping! I have never gone Black Friday Shopping and my mom usually goes every year, so I'm looking forword to it! Wish me luck in not getting trampled to death! Have a great weekend! Gobble gobble!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sickness and Thanksgiving

well, it's been 2 whole weeks since I updated, and I apologize to my 4 readers for that. LOL

Things have been going okay, except for the fact that I am currently at home sick with a 101 fever and a severely sore throat.

Other than that things are exceptional! I learned I could move into my apartment the 2nd week of December and not pay December rent. Though I gave my word that I would stay at the day care through December, and I'm an adult, so I must follow through with that responsibility.

My family was home this past weekend, part of the reason I haven't been able to update, and we had my little sisters 8th birthday party here at the house. So lots of cleaning was required. I did make the cake! and it didnt come out how i looked pretty cool. Rachel wanted horses, rainbows, and flowers on it. Which proved to be the most difficult task. I didn't cover the cake in fondant like i had originally planed to do, but now that i think about it, it would have been smarter. O well.

Its Thanksgiving week once again, and my plans of going to the theater and watching movies all day has been thwarted...again. *sighs* Now I'm driving to Marshall, then to Palestine, back to Marshall, and home on Sunday. Providing that I am not still sick later this afternoon. Hopefully I will be going to the dr. today.
Anyways, that is all my weak and tired body can handle for!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sarah Needs Her Kitty!

Well, thankfully this week has gone much better than last week so far. I began walking in the mornings with my friend Woody. We walk about two and a half miles each morning and talk and just be silly. Its quite nice.

I have found multiple projects and hobbies I want to learn how to do. Like making pretty cakes, I am going to see if my mom will let me do my little sisters cake for her birthday, and since she will only be 8, it wont be critically horrible if it is not perfect.

I also want to experiment with cutting if anyone wants to volunteer...i dunno how well i will do, so if you do volunteer you cant hate me if i mess it all up.

Well i have 8 more weeks of work until my last day, I hope I can last that long. I still need to find a job in Nacogdoches. I am going to look while I am there on Saturday. I also want to take one of my cats with me, but that will cost me over 400 for the spring semester. Anyone wanna donate to the "Sarah Needs Her Kitty" fund? I think that would be better than letting me learn how to cut hair using your hair!! lol

well, that is all for now I do believe, more later maybe?

Friday, November 5, 2010

How about I just be me?

Its nice to know that people support me, and are proud of me. But how can I accept their support when they tell me I have to dress a certain way to prove that I'm grown up? If the way you dress defines how grown up you are, I don't want to grow up. For a 20 year old girl who works at a day care, I say I wear clothes fitting to my profession. Of course your not going to see me in nice frilly shirts and black slacks and heels! You only see me at work! Yes I admit, some of my nice clothes are a bit drab, but I have had no need to wear nice clothes in over 2 years! So, if you don't like the way I dress, maybe you should buy me new clothes. It astonishes me how inconsiderate some people can be. We all have stress, we all have problems, as my grandma says "put your big girl panties on!" We have put up with your whining, we still love you, but geez at least start treating your friends like they matter please! Ok I'm sorry, enough venting!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Beginnings

I have decided that November is the month of a new beginning. I went to church for the first time in a very long time on Sunday and the sermon just somehow spoke to me in ways that I can't explain. It was about faith, and how, with prayer and fasting, a faith as tiny as a mustard seed could move mountains. This mountain could be made up of anything, and with just the smallest bit of faith, it could be moved, or demolished.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finally, A Serious Update!

Well as of right now my parents are headed home from Belton. I miss them, and my little brother and sister terribly! They will be here until Tuesday which will give them plenty of time to meet my boyfriend. Who is pretty amazing by the way!

It's HALLOWEEN weekend! Which makes it about 200 times better! I will be dressing up as Minnie Mouse and my sister is going to be a Fairy, while my brother rocks out his Ninja costume! We are going to have a blast!

Now, on to more serious matters!
First off...don't forget to click on the ads! this is VERY important to me! K. Thanks!


Friday, October 29, 2010


Well, my Blog is officially Monetized! So please, help me out, make me some money by simply clicking on the ads! I know they can be a pain, but you learn to like them!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Important things, that I can't think of

OK! so, I am at a working computer for the moment, so while i have the time i decided to update.

As I mentioned in my previous post, things are moving along swimmingly. I, with utter surprise, have obtained a boyfriend, who is about 1,000 times better than the previous. Met him through my best friend, which proves promising.

Next item on the agenda:

Why on earth do people get angry over the stupidest things? And why do they say things they don't mean?
What has our country come to? Such a disappointment.

I had so much more to say, and now that I have the opportunity I cant think of any of it. Maybe I should actually write it down when I think of it.



my internet is messing up...sad day...updating from work, but i will have an official update as soon as i get things at the house fixed.

Just know, Things are going SWIMMINGLY!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life, Love and HALLOWEEN!

Right now is probably not the best time for me to be updating my blog, but what the heck, writing has always made me feel better, so updating is what i shall do!

The summer went fairly well, in a nutshell, I...

  • Graduated
  • visited my family in Reno 
  • worked, and
  • hung out with my best friend. 
I was going to continue going to the junior college i graduated from, but after attempting a summer course, i felt it wise to take a semester off. So, this fall i have...
  • worked my but off
  • hung out with my best friend
  • applied to other schools
  • worked some more
I had a boyfriend the past three weeks, but due to him still "loving" his Ex. he dumped me. One of the reasons I am in no shape to be writing, since i tend to vent anger. 

Other reason I'm unworthy for writing at the moment is... My best friends mom passed away Monday night and so this week has been pretty difficult. The visitation was tonight and the funeral is tomorrow. Thankfully I have managed to control the tears. 

I was accepted into Stephen F. Austin for the spring semester, and now more than any I am ready to get out of this town and experience life on my own, completely. I am so in love with my career choice, Journalism that is, and I can hardly wait to be out there in the world doing it every day. 

On another note, HALLOWEEN IS HERE! my personal favorite holiday, i think it's because my family didnt completely observe it when i was a child. the costume i REALLY want, but cant afford! 
Maybe I will get lucky and still be able to get in time, but i doubt it. 

Anyways, an intellectual blog is brewing in my mind, and as soon as i figure it all out, ill update once more! kthxbye!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Lesson I've Learned

This is my last column as the editor in chief of the Tyler Junior College Apache Pow Wow. I will miss it very much but I pray God leads me to bigger and better things. Enjoy. 

As summer and graduation approaches, I find it necessary to reflect on lessons learned during my time as editor in chief. I came into this position with the mindset that this would be easy, everyone would listen and it would all be a breeze. But boy was I wrong. 

I have learned that as a leader, you must earn respect and respect others to be respected. Mind you, I'm a pretty respectful person, but we all screw up sometimes. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Wrote Two...And Forgot

Oh, yeah...I wrote two pieces for my most recent newspaper here is the second one.

Many students are involved and active in one or more of the organizations offered at TJC. But most are not aware of the process by which these organizations are financed and supported. 

The Student Services Fee Advisory Committee, also known as S.S.F.A.C, handles this process. 

"The purpose of the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee is to review the type, amount, and expenditure of student services fees and to recommend the amount to be allocated for the next academic year," states the S.S.F.A.C constitution.

The student life fee is applied to each student's tuition and is two dollars for every credit hour with a $26 cap. The student life fee collected for the spring was $199,366.  The amount collected for the fall was $219,833 for a total amount collected of $419,199, according to Sarah Van Cleef, interim vice president of Business Affairs.

The committee is currently made up of nine students and one TJC faculty member. There has been a recommendation to change the committee to eight students and two faculty members in order to add consistency to the process. 

"I think it will help having the two faculty members because I am really the only person, and now Dr. Moore, who knows how things are ran . . . students come and go," said Regina Williams, administrative assistant of Student Affairs. 

Smoking on Campus

This is my column about the recent debate at my college to make the campus smoke free.It's not my best column...but it is my most recent. enjoy. 

Radioactive gas, rocket fuel, banned insecticide and rat poison. What do these four things have in common? They are all active chemicals in cigarettes and the smoke they produce. 
Secondhand smoke has been somewhat of a large debate in the U.S. in the past few years and now it has become an issue on our campus. On March 30, TJC Student Senate unanimously passed a proposal to section off designated smoking areas for students and faculty. 

Faculty Senate took a vote on April 6 and with a majority in favor of making TJC a smoke free campus all together. President Metke and the Board of Trustees will make the final decision after reviewing both Faculty and Student Senate votes. 
I can see how the non-smokers on campus would appreciate this decision, but what about the freedom of the students who do smoke? 

Some smokers feel that if their freedom to smoke virtually anywhere outdoors on campus is taken away, it is only a matter of time before smoking on campus will be banned completely. 
Although I do not smoke often enough to call myself a smoker, I do have to wonder if taking this right away from one group of students will result in other rights being taken away from other students. 

College is meant to be a place where we can express ourselves freely: some students smoke, some wear their pants to their knees and some, like myself, enjoy playing their ipods as loud as their ears can stand. If these freedoms are taken away or even limited, how are we supposed to express ourselves? 
Now, I'm not condoning smoking or dressing with your pants to the ground, but I do think that all students should be given equal rights and be able to express themselves with equal freedom. 

Published 4/16/2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Choosing your words carefully

Everyday thousands and thousands of words are spoken by each of us. Many words we say too often and take for granted. Words like 'I love you.' Some words, such as 'thank you,' we don't say enough.

Then there are the words, which if not said in the right way and at the right time, can bring a world of trouble to your life or to those whom you love.

Examples of this type of word could be something such as 'abuse.' To those who this has not happened to, it is merely a misfortune and crime that happens in our corrupt world. But to every woman and man who has had to experience any form of abuse, sees the word as dark and overwhelming.

Emotional abuse is when men or women, use their actions and words to tear their partner's emotional stability down so that eventually the victim will do and say whatever they want.

A sign of emotional and verbal abuse is if a significant other or loved one continuously belittles and berates you or criticizes and calls you names.

As a society we have begun to believe that actions speak louder than words, but not in this case. Emotional or verbal abusers slowly beats their victims down with words, first by ensuring a false sense of
love and security, then by slowly degrading their self-esteem.

Words that are used to tear people down until they are subjective and willing to do things they wouldn't have done before should be punished just as harshly as bruises and force.

Of course there are words and actions that are not nearly as harsh as 'abuse,' but are still just as hurtful in meaning, especially if wrongly accused. This would include cheating or accusing someone of having an affair. Hundreds of teenagers,
young adults and married couples cheat on their spouses every week. It is not illegal, but it is considered socially unacceptable. To be wrongly accused of cheating is almost worse than actually doing it because the accused has had their
reputation scarred and sometimes can never repair it.

Words are permanent, once said they cannot be taken back. You can apologize and revoke them, but the pain sometimes never goes away. Be careful what you say to anyone and everyone because one day
your words might come back to haunt you.
Published 3/26/10

TJC student arrested as suspect in local arsons

As word spreads about the arrest of the two men believed to be responsible for the recent string of church fires in East Texas, some may not realize one of them is a TJC student.

Jason Robert Bourque, a 19-year-old Lindale resident and Van High School graduate, was enrolled in 9 hours of TJC courses this semester. His fellow classmates and professors never would have guessed that Bourque was behind all of this destruction. 

Nick White, an art student who attended high school with 
Bourque, said that he seemed like a calm person and that nothing about Bourque would have indicated his secret activities. 

"I was under the impression that he was a Christian because he went to that church in Grand Saline," said White. 

On Feb. 21, 2010, Bourque and Daniel George McAlister, 21, of Ben Wheeler, were arrested on a charge of arson for the Dover Baptist Church fire. They have not yet been charged with the other nine church fires or three break-ins, but authorities said evidence is pointing to them as the culprits. 

Staying safe during Spring Break

With spring break approaching, you, me and students all over the country are making preparations for a week of fun in the sun. 

Many know about Natalie Holloway, who was kidnapped and murdered during her vacation to Aruba in May 2005. 

Supposedly, Holloway left her friends to hang out with strangers. Not a very smart move. It would be tragic if one of our fellow students went missing during this highly anticipated break.

Whether you are going to be traveling to places like Mexico, Europe, Canada or even staying within the Untied States, there are many precautions that we can all take to stay safe and still have a blast.

First and foremost, be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are and where you are going. This is where a GPS service on your cell phone would come in handy. If you don't have GPS available, make plans for the day before leaving your hotel or resort. 

Always, always keep a buddy system in place. Do not go anywhere or do anything alone. A murderer, rapist or criminal is less likely to target groups of three or four. Choose friends whom you trust and don't leave them for anything. Getting into cars or going into hotel rooms with strangers is a good way to get yourself into trouble, so avoid anyone you don't know. 

If while on vacation, you desire to engage in drinking or partying, watch your drink at all times. Even if you are drinking a soda, someone can slip a pill or powder into your beverage, and you won't know it until it's too late. There are many types of "date rape" drugs, so you can never be too careful. Also, be a friend and keep your friends out of trouble. Watch their drinks, too. 

When it comes to swimming, although I think it is still too cold to be splashing in the ocean, use sunscreen often. Believe me, a plane ride home with the backs of your legs sunburned is not any type of fun. Keep the buddy system in place while you swim, and drink lots of clean water, not alcohol.

Remember to keep your spring break exciting and fun. Relax and come back refreshed. Have a wonderful spring break, and come back to us in one piece.

Published 3/5/10

Arsonist going for "15 minutes of fame"

A church is a place of holy sanctity, a place of worship, refuge and hope. But some people in the world feel differently about this. So differently in fact, that they would spend their time and energy to burn churches to the ground. 

Since New Years Day there have been a total of nine church fires in the East Texas area, seven of which have been declared arson. 

The victims of the arsonist's attacks have not let the destruction of their church building discourage them. Many have the mindset that the church is not the building, it's in the hearts of the congregation. Members of the church and of the community have come together to keep spirits high and pray for the capture of the culprit.

I honestly cannot understand why anyone would commit this crime. It's not worth the punishment to try and express your feelings about a religion or any thing for that matter by burning someone else's property or home.

The culprit of these arsons is obviously not acting against one certain belief system, because if he was, there would be an obvious pattern of denominations between the fires.

This arsonist, I think, is only trying to get attention and get his "15 minutes of fame." It's either that, or he is just flat out malicious toward anyone and anything with a belief system.

You have to wonder, does this person just not know what it feels like to lose something he believes in or loves. If he did, you would think that there would be some sort of understanding of the pain he is causing to his victims.

Then again, maybe he has a deranged reason behind his madness, and feels like there is no possible way to express it without the use of fire.

Sketches have been recently published of three persons of interest regarding the fires, and if the sketches are accurate, I'm sure the suspects have fled the area, or gone into hiding.

I have a feeling this isn't the last we will hear of the alleged arsonist, but I do think the worst is over for the East Texas community.

Published 2/19/10

Challenges to get personal, not physical

NOTE: This was my first column to write as the Editor in Chief of the Apache Pow Wow at Tyler Junior College.

Welcome to the college life! The life that is so commonly associated with late night parties, drinking, and sex. Yes, I said it, "sex." 
So many students nowadays are sexually active that it has become more and more socially acceptable to just about everyone.
According to the 2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 46.8 percent of all high school students report that they have had sexual intercourse.
With this in mind, how many college students are sexually active and what are the emotional effects of rushing into any type of relationship? 
It has been my experience that when hooking up with someone you barely know or just met, and only engaging in a physical relationship, things get turned upside down and you are left feeling empty and without anything to look forward to. 
This is why I believe it is important to get to know an individual before deciding to date, or engage in sexual activities with them. All too often we rush into a relationship in order to make ourselves feel complete and secure, but instead we are left hurt, broken and alone. Not to mention premarital sex increases the chances of becoming pregnant and of getting an STD.
"One in five people in the United States has an STD. Two-thirds of all STDs occur in people 25 years of age or younger," said Ken Chisholm, contributing author to
Now don't get me wrong, this is not the case 100 percent of the time. It doesn't happen to everyone. Some people are lucky enough to find their perfect match right off the bat and some are smart enough to use protection. But I have seen and experienced my share of quick hook-ups and this happens too many times to say that it doesn't happen often.
Sex is meant to be a special and treasured connection between two people. It's not something that should be categorized into the 21st century standards of "instant gratification."
This semester I challenge you to evaluate yourself and see if you are one to rush your relationships then find yourself wondering 'What on earth was I thinking?'
Maybe it's time for a break from sexual activity and time to find contentment with yourself as a healthy single. Challenge yourself to get to know people and make a true connection before diving into something physical.
Published 2/5/10

Karaoke: Free, fun activity for students under the age of 21

Once the sun goes down and the streetlights break the darkness, the nightlife of Tyler awakens and begins. For students who are not yet 21, Tyler's entertainment choices might be limited. Even though there are many restaurants, bars, movie theaters and coffee shops that are open throughout the evening, a popular source of entertainment is karaoke. 

"People are just here to have a good time," said Manager of La Carreta's, Steve Knipe. "It's mostly fun for everyone,"

La Carreta's is one of three restaurants that feature karaoke during the week for underage students. The other restaurants include Buffalo Wild Wings and Cancun CafĂ©. Out of the three, La Carreta's seemed to be the busiest. By 10 p.m. the beaten up parking lot was packed and customers were parking in adjacent lots. Carreta's holds karaoke from around 8 p.m. until closing on Thursday and Friday nights. 

Karaoke nights around town are helpful for students and teens because the cost to get in and participate is absolutely nothing. Of course, students under the age of 21 are required to show I.D. and have their hands marked at both Carreta's and Cancun.

BrewTones provides outlet for musicians

An aroma of freshly brewed coffee floods the room as local music lovers enter BrewTones to attend a night of relaxation through music. 

BrewTones Coffee Galaxy is a locally run venue that is operated out of The Vineyard where bands can play to express themselves for a crowd of friends and fans. The Vineyard is located on the second level of the Time Square Shopping Center on South Broadway Avenue in Tyler. 

"We really just wanted to create a place for kids to have a place to create music," said Kim and husband Boyd Dupree, who are the people behind the operation of BrewTones. 

BrewTones has been open since 1998 and originally sponsored concerts every weekend, but the Dupree's are also the proud parents of Stacy, Chauntelle, and Sherri who are members of the band Eisley, which makes keeping shows scheduled regularly difficult. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This blog, is dedicated to my journalism experiences, writings, fun, and learnings.

Coming soon will be my entire collection of writings and photos.

Critiques and comments are more than welcome, so please joining me in my adventure through adulthood as a growing journalist.