Friday, November 5, 2010

How about I just be me?

Its nice to know that people support me, and are proud of me. But how can I accept their support when they tell me I have to dress a certain way to prove that I'm grown up? If the way you dress defines how grown up you are, I don't want to grow up. For a 20 year old girl who works at a day care, I say I wear clothes fitting to my profession. Of course your not going to see me in nice frilly shirts and black slacks and heels! You only see me at work! Yes I admit, some of my nice clothes are a bit drab, but I have had no need to wear nice clothes in over 2 years! So, if you don't like the way I dress, maybe you should buy me new clothes. It astonishes me how inconsiderate some people can be. We all have stress, we all have problems, as my grandma says "put your big girl panties on!" We have put up with your whining, we still love you, but geez at least start treating your friends like they matter please! Ok I'm sorry, enough venting!


  1. People who are concerned about your outward appearances are people that should not concern you.

    Over the last couple months, I have worn blue jeans, Nike running shoes, and a t-shirt (presence of a collar varied) to work and to play. If someone asked why I don't wear slacks & a nice shirt to work, and dress for my pay scale - my response would be "this is what fits right now, this is what's clean, and these clothes keep me comfortable enough to do the job that has gotten me to where I am. What business is it of yours what clothes I wear anyway?"

    (I'm sure my response would probably have some more vulgar language, but...) The reality of it all is that I am comfortable with my understanding of who I am [inside], and I don't need to put on a show [outside] for people to believe me, approve of me, or even notice me.

    Everyone has their own style and way of doing things, and close friends who will make fun of them whether they're in a burlap sac or a tuxedo (or both), and haters no matter what.

    Just do your thing.
