Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Beginnings

I have decided that November is the month of a new beginning. I went to church for the first time in a very long time on Sunday and the sermon just somehow spoke to me in ways that I can't explain. It was about faith, and how, with prayer and fasting, a faith as tiny as a mustard seed could move mountains. This mountain could be made up of anything, and with just the smallest bit of faith, it could be moved, or demolished.

I want to have that kind of faith again. I yearn and long for a faith like that. So, I have set my mind to it, and I am giving it a whirl. Now, in the bible times, fasting usually meant refraining from eating or drinking for a certain period of time. My fasting is going to be a tad bit more modern. As of November 1st, I will not be drinking alcohol, or dating, or anything physically unholy. In December, i will not necessarily stop this fast, but i will add to it. I'm going to attempt to stop going to the club, and stop cussing.
Of course while all this is happening I will be becoming more involved in church again and working on my relationship with God. If i stray from this path, any of you are more than welcome to slap me or something.

I broke up with my boyfriend this evening, and it wasn't just because of the whole fasting thing. BUT...i don't think it was wise to begin a relationship so close to me moving away to SFA. Thankfully, he agreed, and there wasn't any drama and from what I can tell, things are ok.

All this new beginning stuff is kind of exciting me. I found a good apartment, sad i cant take my kitties but i think i will survive. Ill keep you all updated on the progress!

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