Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finally, A Serious Update!

Well as of right now my parents are headed home from Belton. I miss them, and my little brother and sister terribly! They will be here until Tuesday which will give them plenty of time to meet my boyfriend. Who is pretty amazing by the way!

It's HALLOWEEN weekend! Which makes it about 200 times better! I will be dressing up as Minnie Mouse and my sister is going to be a Fairy, while my brother rocks out his Ninja costume! We are going to have a blast!

Now, on to more serious matters!
First off...don't forget to click on the ads! this is VERY important to me! K. Thanks!

Secondly, I have been thinking a lot lately about the trustworthiness of my friends, co-workers and family. Actually, all people in general. It's crazy to think that people are so self involved that they can't even tell the simplest of truths. But then again, this IS America, you know the land of freedom and opportunity. I think that this mindset we Americans have developed has really messed us up. We (yes I am including myself in this, because I have found myself guilty) lie and cheat to get what we want, and then we justify it by saying that it is our right and freedom to do as we please. All we care about is our own agenda. It just doesn't seem right, or fair. The strong pray on the weak, the rich on the poor, and the smart on the stupid. Yeah of course it's "Survival of the Fittest" out there, but where is the love and compassion?
I believe that if we all handed out a little more mercy then things wouldn't be as messes up as they are.
Many people blame the Government for the state of our economy. But i believe it's our own faults. The greedy, we want it now nature of Americans has finally come back to bit us in the butts.

On another note, what about the people out there who can't make up their minds? There is this guy who keeps trying to talk to me, and my best friend. He just switches back and forth and it drives her and I CRAZY! (not that we aren't crazy enough already!) This past week he decided to tell my best friend that he didn't even like me, he was only trying to make her jealous. Which we all know is total BS! (see liar! liars all over the place!) We know he is lying because just last night he called me about four billion times while I was asleep. Then this morning he told me he liked me and not her.
HELLO!!! Does this guy not realize that best friends tell each other....EVERYTHING?!?!? Especially me and MY best friend. As soon as something happens we send a text saying "OMG I gotta tell you something!" or "I have SOO much to tell you!"  
This guy needs help. And he needs to leave us both alone, we have more important things to worry about than a stupid boy. I have let a guy come between other best friends and I way too many times, and it's ended terribly every single time. I'm not about to let it happen again.

I need to decide between UNT, and SFA! Like SOON!
UNT is where my boyfriend will be going next fall, and it has been my #1 school for like 2 years. BUT, SFA is where my best friend will most likely be going. And since boyfriends aren't inclined to last very long for me, I really am leaning more towards SFA. BUT, then there is the thought that maybe, just maybe, this time things will work out. Or...I could just stay in Tyler another semester...which I really REALLY DON'T want to do. might be the best thing to do. Oh decisions decisions! Why do you haunt me so?!?!

any opinions on what I should do?

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to give you my insight about SFA... I know that you wanna go there, but it's a very dangerous school in a lot of ways. The drug rate, std rate, and numerous other things are very high there, and it can be detrimental for girls like you and I. It's a great school academically, but I warn you to be careful. It's not the number one party school for no reason.
    As for the reasons for deciding between UNT and SFA, remember that yes, best friends do tend to last longer than boyfriends; however you need to pick a school for you. You're seeking an education for yourself, not either of them. I know it's nice to think that there will be someone you know there, but pick a school that will help your opportunities grow. Don't just lean toward one or the other because of friends. I know it's much easier said than done, but give it a try. You might surprise yourself. I know I did. Love you kiddo. <3
