Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All Moved In

Well, It's official. I no longer reside in Tyler. My parents helped me make the hour and a half trek to Nacogdoches yesterday and with all my belongings in tow, we made it here around 3 p.m. My apartment is nice, I am supposed to have two other roommates but they have either gone home for the holiday or have not moved in yet. I'm guessing the later, because when we got here there were no dishes, no food, no signs of life anywhere. So we unpacked, and I have my pick of the kitchen cabinets (sweet!) and my room (thanks to mom) was organized and my favorite blue chair was able to fit! My bathroom is bigger than my one at home, as well as my closet, they were dirty, but that can be fixed.
The funniest, and grossest, thing about my room is when we got here and checked the mattress, there was puke stains ALL over it! No lie. GROSS! Everything is fixed now though, sort of. I get a new mattress sometime hopefully.
We went to Wal-Mart after unloading everything and picked up the things that i forgot to pack, like toilet paper and my lamp. Then we went to Carreta's which was educational for the kids because the people sitting next to us did NOT have a censor of any sort and were cussing and rambling on about their drunken sex experiences. LOL, it was funny to me, but the kids didnt need to hear any of it. But I guess thats what you get for eating out in a college town.
Once my family left I began putting food and dishes away, only to find that my new dish set was broken. So I will have to make a trip to Lufkin to exchange it.
Sleeping didn't go so well. I kept waking up, and I was planning on sleeping in, but i woke up at 12, 1, 3, 5, and 7, so by 7 i was sick of trying. Maybe I'll take a nap later.
Today my focus is to unpack all my clothes, and search for a job. Hopefully I wont have to search for long. I need one desperately.
Well, better get cracking!

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